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Busting 5 Myths About Balloon Sinuplasty Surgery

Those seeking relief from their chronic sinus problems have probably explored a vast array of options. Eventually, it’s likely they came across the idea of balloon sinuplasty – which is likely why you’re reading this article right now!

Balloon sinuplasty is a procedure that allows some chronic sinus issues to be cleared up without invasive surgery, often with a recovery time of just a day or two.

Unfortunately, because the procedure is still relatively new, there are a lot of myths surrounding it. Here are 5 myths that it’s high time get busted:

MYTH: “My nose is going to have to be packed, and it’s very uncomfortable!”

FACT: The days of being forced to have your nose packed with gauze for a few days, and then facing the uncomfortable removal process afterward, are over. This is no longer a required part of the process, thanks to new technology and new techniques. It doesn’t matter if you are having traditional sinus surgery or balloon sinus dilation NJ, this uncomfortable part of the procedure is not something you are likely to face. In other words, rest easy!

MYTH: “In-office surgery is not going to address my symptoms.”

FACT: It’s easy to dismiss a procedure that sounds too good to be true, but the results speak for themselves. Balloon sinuplasty has proven to be both safe and effective in improving the quality of life of those who have undergone the procedure. If you have any doubts, consult with your doctor or specialist to learn if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

MYTH: “This procedure is going to give me black eyes!”

FACT: This myth probably stems from the experience people have when they get cosmetic nasal work done at the same time as balloon sinus dilation in New Jersey. The fact of the matter is, there are generally no external changes following surgery; no one will know it was done but you, and there will certainly be no black eyes. All you’ll be experiencing is a better life!

MYTH: “There is no good way to treat nasal polyps because they always reoccur.”

FACT: This myth mixes a little fact in with its fiction. Some nasal polyps do reoccur, that’s true enough, but new treatment options and advanced technology when treating them has decreased the likelihood of reoccurrence. The fact is, there ARE treatments for nasal polyps now, treatments that can provide long term improvements to your quality of life.

MYTH: “My insurance is not going to cover sinus surgery.”

FACT: Almost all major plans cover traditional and in-office balloon surgery, so that should not be a worry. A few minor plans may not cover balloon surgery, and/or there may be a pre-approval required to move forward. This is a small obstacle, and the office you are dealing with will be more than happy to walk you through the process so you can begin leading a more comfortable, more enjoyable quality of life.