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Chimney Service in Lacey is Largely Neglected

An unfortunate fact is that many homeowners have neglected to schedule any and all chimney service for many years. This is a very dangerous truth. Neglecting this home maintenance task can lead to disastrous events. Chimney service in Lacey includes the cleaning of the chimney. This is one of the most important parts of taking care of a chimney, but it isn’t the only part. In addition to the cleaning of the chimney, inspection and repairing of damages are also crucial steps in maintaining an efficient, effective, safe chimney. An uncared-for chimney is a dangerous chimney. We hope that by the end of this article, if you own a chimney and you’ve neglected taking care of it the last few years that you’ll fully understand the importance of chimney service in Lacey and call to schedule an appointment.

The Danger of Doing Nothing

The risk you take when you neglect chimney service in Lacey is a big one. No matter how much care you take to use proper fuel in your wood-burning appliance, natural byproducts are formed. It is these byproducts that pose the greatest risk.

The number one result of fire that causes problems in chimneys is creosote. As wood burns, it forms smoke. The smoke travels up through the chimney and cools as it goes. This cooling causes condensation and volatile byproducts to attach to the chimney. As more and more smoke rises through the chimney, more and more condensation occurs. This build-up is creosote.

chimney service in Lacey helps prevent chimney fires like this one

Creosote can be tarry or flaky. It is highly sticky which is why over the course of one season, creosote buildup can become inches thick. This is dangerous not only because it can block air flow through the chimney, but also because creosote is extremely combustible. Without having your chimney serviced and cleaned each year, the accumulation of creosote can easily ignite starting a chimney fire. If unnoticed, a chimney fire can quickly turn into a home fire.

Chimney Service in Lacey Identifies Dangers

An annual chimney inspection is important for more than just creosote removal. Just as the tarry buildup is a danger, impairments left unrepaired are a hazard as well. Creosote and chimney fires aren’t the only danger of using a fireplace or wood burning stove. Another very big danger is carbon monoxide poisoning. A chimney that becomes blocked or has the air flow impeded in any way, the fuel is unable to burn completely or efficiently. When this happens, carbon monoxide begins to replace oxygen. Without an alarm, carbon monoxide is completely undetectable. By the time you would realize something is wrong, it is usually too late.

Cracks in the flue tiles, damaged caps and crowns, and broken dampers are all impairments that can lead to inappropriate airflow and dangerous fumes. This is also another danger of a thick build-up of creosote because it blocks the chimney and prevents smoke from escaping. In addition to these dangers, broken chimney parts can allow wildlife to enter the chimney. Nests along with the carcasses of animals that were unable to escape can also block the exit route for smoke and fumes. To learn more about another chimney part, the chimney liner and it’s involvement in chimney service in Lacey, read this.

You Can’t Fully Eliminate the Risk, But You Can Reduce Itchimney service in Lacey being perfomed on a roof

It is important to note that even though a yearly visit from your local certified chimney sweep can greatly reduce the risk of a house fire, nothing can completely eliminate it. Having both a smoke detector and a carbon monoxide detector is a must for any home. But for homes with a chimney, they are absolutely essential. The biggest thing you can do is to keep up with annual chimney service in Lacey. Another important note we need to make is that while scheduling the annual inspection is important, it is also critical to only hire certified chimney sweeps. Those who claim to be able to do the job, but are not certified, should be avoided.